Have survived the first few mind boggling starting days on the UAL Foundation Art and Design Course. We have mainly been in the fabulous new, light and airy Beacon Centre, it's a great building and I'm sure will prove a wonderful place to work in. It's been a busy, hectic and a little bit nerve racking few days. We've been introduced to the various Tutors, had the plan of the course explained, been given sketch books to record our work and had our introduction to the art of Blogging!
It's a large group of students at the present moment, but this will reduce after a few weeks as we settle into our chosen pathway areas.
The course is made up of 7 pathways:- Fine Art, Visual Communication, 3D Design, Printmaking, Time Based Media, Textiles and Photography. Initially we shall be sampling and trying our hand at all the different areas, before settling into our chosen area(s) of interest.
It's all new and exciting, with plenty of things to look forward to over the coming weeks.
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